Air Therapy or Morning Walk

Air Therapy or Morning Walk

Just as we breathe through our nose we also breathe through millions of pores in our skin.During morning walk we go through fresh air and therefore we also call it as air bath.Pores of our skin can breathe in fresh air .When we walk about 200 muscles of our body gets light exercse. The heart beat increases from 72 to 80 per minute.The rate of breathing increases and we get fresh oxygen which purifies our blood.

Air bath should be taken in a natural way .For morning walk one should choose a place away from in habitation where air is flowing in natual environment where there are trees and ponds.Air is purified by sun rays,trees and water.An average healthy person should walk around 6 to 7 km everyday.The speed of their walk should beabout one kilometer in 10 minutes.One should breathe deeply while taking walk.By taking deep breathe we inhale pran shakti which is necessary for all life and which regenerates our body.