Eye Disease

Eye Disease

There are about 100 types of eye diseases.Out of these 24 types of diseases are of eye lids.


  • When waste material present in the body enters the fluids in the eyes it creates some trouble and the eye sight becomes weak.Similarly when waste matter enters cornea and retina their blood vessels are blocked and then diseases like cataract and glaucoma appear.


Eye Exercises
  • Winking exercises
  • Om chakra exercises
  • Palming
  • Facing the sun exercise
  • Eye bath:Take a wide pot made of glass .Fill it with cold water.Place your eyes inside water.Open the eyes in water and turn them around 3,4 times.

  • Natural diet: Food should have sufficient amount of Vitamin A.This is found in fresh unboiled milk,butter ,soyabeans

  • Ushapan:It is not only beneficial for eyes but for all diseases of body.

  • Jal Neti:It is beneficial in case of eye,ear and nose diseases.

  • Walk bare footed on green grass in early morning . After taking meals rub wet palms on the eyes.This would improve the eye sight.

  • Just after leaving the bed in the morning fill the mouth with water and splash water in the eyes 20 times.By doing so the eye sight will not weaken till old age.