Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy

Yoga is an art of living happy life. Through Asanas and Pranayam yogis control the mind and thought arising in it.


Treatment by asanas comes under treatment by air element.It can be said that natural cure is not complete without treatment by yogic asanas. Health gained by yogic asanas are permanent.

Asanas for a particular disease

  • CONSTIPATION : Pashchimottan , Sarwangasan,Matsyasan

  • OBESITY : Dhanurasan,Shawasan,Pawanmuktasana,Naukasana

  • GAS : Vajarasan,Pawanmuktasana,Ushtrasana, : Dhanurasan

  • COLD : Sarvangasana,

  • DIABETES : Ardhamatsyendrasana, Pashchimottanasana,Naukasan,Bhujangasana,

  • HEART DISEASE :Shavasana, Gomukhasana

  • COUGH : Shirshasan, Sarvangasana

  • KNEES PAIN : Uttanpadasan,Vajarasana, Garurasana

  • GOUT: Pawanmuktasana, Garurasana,Padmasana,Gomukhasana

  • WAIST PAIN: Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana.Gomukhasan,Bhhujangasana

  • NAVEL DISPLACEMENT : Dhanurasana, Naukasana,Bhujangasana

  • SHORT HEIGHT : Tadasana, Dhanurasan, Chakrasan/p>

  • SCIATICA : Utkatasan, Vajarasan Dhanurasana

  • KIDNEY DISEASE : Ardh Matsyendrasana

  • GREY HAIR: Sarvangasana ,Matsyasana, Shirshasana

  • THROAT : Sarvangasana ,Matsyasana,Ushtrasana,Bhujangasana

  • INSOMNIA: Sarwangasana, Shavasana

  • PILES :Moolbandh,Sarvangasan,Pashchimottanasan

  • INDIGESION :Myurasana, Bhujangasana,Naukasana,Dhanurasana

  • EYE DISEASE : Ushtrasana,eye exercise

  • MENSES : Matsyasan

  • MALE POTENCY : Pashchimottanasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana

  • LUNGS: Vajrasan, Bhujangasan,Gomukhasan

  • HERNIA :Padmasan,Sarvangasan

  • TENSION: Dhanurasan,Shavasan,Pawanmuktasan

  • LACK OF APPETITE : Mayurasan, Pashchimottanasana,Bhujangasan

  • JAUNDICE : Bhujangasan, Bhujangasan,Vajarasan

  • SPLEEN: Sarvangasan,Bhujangasan

  • LIVER : Pawanmuktasana,Sarvangasana

  • WORM : Ardh Matsyendrasana,Paschimottanasan,Sarvangasana

  • ASTHMA : Neti, Gomukhasan,Nari Shodan,Ushtrasan

  • MUCOUS : Padmasan, Ardh Matsyendrasa, Pashchimottanasana


The word pranayam is made by uniting two words –Pran and Ayam. Pran roughly means life or age and ayam means length. Therefore, the yogic practice which increases the span of life is called Pranayam.the definition of Pranyam according to yogic terminology is to control the Pran. Therefore before knowing about Pranayam one must know what is Pran in the body.

What is Pran? That power of consciousness which is pervading in the entire universe is also present in this body. That is known as Pran. It is because of this Pran that mind and all this senses do work. This is the subtle form of Pran.

    By this pranayam Nadis are purified.Therefore it is also known as Nadi Shodan Pranayam. It purifies all the nadis or tubes in the body.The blood is purified.

    Bhastrika means bellows.In this pranayam air is sucked in and expelled as is done by the bellows of a blacksmith. It removes cold, headache and synus.It improves memory.

    In this pranayam air is inhaled repeatedly from right nostril,so that Surya nadi is awakened. This increases heat in the body,removes cold ,asthma,helpful for diabetes. It should be done in winters only.

    In this pranayam the poorak is done repeatedly by the left nostril.So the Chandra Nadi is awakened.This pranayam cools the body,beneficial in case of boils and skin diseases.

    By doing this pranayam body fees cool.In summers it cools the body.It removes anger,high BP and skin diseases.

    Bhramri means drone. During this pranayam the sound akin to the buing of a drone is made.This sound creates vibrations which pacify the brain and the nervous system.