Earth Therapy

Earth Therapy

Out of five elements which have formed our body ,Earth is the fifth element.According to Vedas Earth is mother Sky is father.

Qualities of earth
  • Earth has unique power to cure disease, because it has the greatest amount of chemical combination in it,while any other medicine does not have so many natural chemicals and minerals in it.
  • Earth has the power to suck poison.If one is bitten by snake or scorpion and earth bandages is put on it,it sucks the poison.It can suck the poison of dangerous boil like carbuncle.

Direct contact with earth
  • All living creatures on earth besides human beings maintain their contacts with the soil because of which they spend their lives happily.They do not wear any clothes and sleep on earth.The result is that they are strong and healthy.On the other hand life of human beings has become artificial.They sleep on Cots,wear clothes and even walk with shoes so that there feet do not touch the earth.The result is that most human beings are afflicted with some kind of ailment.

Benefits of walking bare foot on earth
  • Earth has a special electrical power which gives vital force to any person walking bare foot on it.

  • Contact with earth is refreshing

  • just as trees and plants gets nourishment from earth to which they are rooted,human beings can also get nourishment from earth if they walk bare foot on it.

  • One who walks bare foot on earth does not get any eye problem.

  • Feet becomes strong and well proportioned.

  • One who walks bare foot has good appetite and does not have high blood pressure and many other diseases

Benefits of siting and lying on earth
  • Sitting and lying with bare body on earth is more beneficial than walking bare foot on earth.

  • Our forefathers were aware of the strength one derives from contact with earth,and that is why they maintained good health and had long lives.

  • Sleeping on earth cures many illness of stomach .

  • It also strengthens other organs like heart and intestines.

  • The foreign matter in the body is expelled easily through sweat ,urine and stool

  • Thus body is renewed and has a new vigour

  • Under the guidance of naturopaths hundreds of thousands patients have been cured by sleeping with bare body on open ground.

  • By sleeping on earth one gets so much rest that he needs only half of the time to take the same amount of rest as he would get by sleeping on soft beds in 6 to 8 hours.

In case of disease earth is used in following 6 ways
  • Hot bandage of earth

  • Cold bandage of earth

  • Bandage of hot earth

  • Dry earth bath

  • Mud bath

  • Eating sand