Garbh Sanskar

The foundation of the world -Garbh Sanskar

Rites are the hallmark of our religious and social life. It determines the direction of our life. The most important of these sixteen rites is the garbha samskar. There are many examples of this such as the birth of Lord Rama was the practice of the penance of the fathers Aja and Dileep and the birth of Yogeshwar Krishna was also a virtue of the penance of of Devaki and Vasudeva. In the same way, Lord Vyas was also born when his five generations had done intense penance. According to the Samriddhi Shastra by Maharishi Ved Vyasa, there was a deep thinking of the ancestors behind every rite. When we erase the influence of past life's sinful deeds on our mind and make a good impression, it is called Sanskar. We often see how amazing effects a person can have on another person through will power with whom he has no close relationship and no introduction. Then just think to what extent a woman can have an effect on the child who is in her womb and who is fed by her blood. In fact, according to the mental condition of the woman the mind and body of the fetus will be formed. I f she wants and if she is determined in her mind, then she can produce children according to her wish. In the context of child origin, Swami Vivekananda has said that if parents raise children without praying, then such child is non-human and is a burden on society. “Arya children are those who are born as a result of the pure prayer made by parents to God. While conceiving a child, the child's mind also become like as that of parents mind. The most appropriate time to make a baby well-groomed is when baby is the womb of her mother.

Mother's habits, desires etc. also enter inside her children as a sacrament. If parents want special abilities for their child in any field, then they should try to train the child during the pregnancy period, because the sensitivity of the child develops very much during the pregnancy period. Accordingly, the personality of that child is formed in seed form.

It is in this context that the famous incident of Mahabharata is that during the Mahabharata war, Dronacharya composed 'Chakravyuh' to kill the Pandavas. On that day, the only one who knew the secret of Chakravyuh took the Kauravas astray and sent the invitation to Chakravyuh to the Pandavas. Knowing that the entire gathering was in silence, then 23-year-old Prince Abhimanyu stood up and said, "I know to penetrate the Chakravyuh." "Yudhishthira questioned with surprise-" Son "! I have never seen or heard you penetrating the chakravyuh." Then Abhimanyu said- "So when I was in my mother Subhadra's womb and mother started suffering pain my father Arjun to distract the mother's attention from the pain, he started the process of penetrating the chakravyuh. My mother listened intently and in mother womb I went on learning, but before listening to the seventh and final door penetration, the mother fell asleep and with her I too went into oblivion. After that I was born. I will easily break the six gates and for Seventh you will reach for help and we will break it too. This makes it clear that the training given to the mother during pregnancy is the best way to develop the same qualities in her child. So the food of the pregnant mother - drinking, ideology, mental situation, the atmosphere of the house, all of these have very profound consequences on the foetus. In Srimad Bhagwat It is said that when asked to create creatures to Brahma Ji, Lord Shiva originated from the angry eyebrows of Brahma Ji and started crying as soon as he was born . That is why he was named Rudra, then Brahma Ji said that by creating other creatures you are superior to all the gods and will be famous as Bholenath.

When Shiva created a creature in the Rudra avatar under the command of Brahma, then a demon was born but these people were not liked by Brahma ji. He then said that Rudra, you were born because of anger. As long as there is no Satoguna in your conscience, then your living beings will be iniquitous. That is why you go and meditate first, meditate on God, when Satoguna enters your body leaving Tamogun, then create the life of Satoguna. Then divine humans will be born.

Therefore, in this age also, all people should first meditate and remember God and then generate worldly creatures so that our children can be righteous and Arya. Garbh sanskar starts before conception. If parents are not satisfied physically and mentally, then they should not conceive. Before the birth of the child in Garbhadan sanskar the parents perform a yagya with the gurus and the family and pray to God that a good child be born in their home. Parents should pay attention that the conception should be in auspicious time. The monthly, auspicious Nakshatra dates and varas are considered for conception. The scientific significance of the prayers, rituals, chants etc. that have been done in the programs for the conception rites have been proved time and again. For this, the conception ceremony or Garbhadan sanskar is the first rite.

Perform this ritual while doing yoga , meditation, chanting, meditation of God, yoga and penance so that there is increase in concentration, memory, intelligence, love, calm, determination, positive arts which is required to establish religion and peace in this world. The responsibility of the mother in performing the rituals is more than that of the father. In the womb, there is not only a body, but it is the ringing body, which carries the qualities of the parents for nine months along with the qualities of their previous birth. The baby's body starts to form in the womb, the root cause of the body's creation is the soul that has entered the womb. This soul is of its parents.

According to science and culture mother should make efforts to ensure that the body of the child is good and healthy in the first three months. In the third to sixth month, one should try to have excellent mindset of the child. One should strive for excellent intelligence in the sixth to ninth month, and in the fourth month, there is an invention of Chaitanya Shakti in the mother of the womb. On this basis, it becomes the responsibility of the parents to provide the conceived child an environment full of proper surroundings, pleasing sounds and auspicious actions. After a few months, contact is also established with the unborn child, which is a pleasant experience for the parents. In Ayurveda, it is said to follow the specific lifestyle prescribed for a pregnant woman. Whatever sound the mother hears, the effect of that sound leaves a deep impression on the soft brain of the baby. Therefore, listen to classical music, read the saga of the knights, read literature and scripture, worship and chant mantras during the ceremony of pregnancy. Special care should be taken that the pregnant mother's heart is filled with love. In this state, whatever the mother sees, learns, feels, desires, imagines, her child's personality is formed as a seed. During these nine months, the child is fully aware of the activities that the mother performs. Keep thinking positive and keep a pleasant atmosphere around. Talk to the fetus. Do meditation, do yoga. After this, the Pusvan Samskara is performed for the stability of the foetus. Then the Seemantondan rites are performed in the fourth, sixth and eighth months. At this time, a child growing in the womb is capable of learning. Prahlad and Abhimanyu are examples of this. It all depends on the mother of the foetus, how she can spend nine months.

At this time, the nature of the mother becomes repetitive because when you smile, your baby also smiles. When you are sad, the baby is also depressed. In such a situation, if you meditate then the child also becomes meditative. Therefore, your baby also gets more attention from you because the baby is more sensitive than the mother. As a first duty after entering the household ashram, if the pre-conception is done with proper preparation, then the arrival of a high-level soul in the womb will happen, along with the obstacles that are coming in the conception, it also gets removed and one can give birth to a child who is perfectly healthy . Knowing - unknowingly everything is produced by the mother and the environment. A pregnant woman should know that each of her positive and negative work has a special effect on the body and mindset of the foetus. It has been proved that if the mother cries during pregnancy, her baby's brain development stops at that time because it is receiving everything from the mother. At present, children need to be given maximum attention. Children are the future of society and nation. Children are the life energy of the country. If they were not raised properly, correct understanding was not produced in them, then their life would become frustrated and sick. Every parent collects wealth for their child's bright future, Worries about his development but if the parents are able to give good inheritance to their child, then they will not need to give anything special because such children will not only improve their future, but will also provide the means for others. Only a well-respected child can make his parents' name bright and illuminated, and if well-known children are born in every household, there will surely be a heavenly atmosphere in every house and family of the earth.

Start giving rites and education to baby right in the womb and all these sanskars will be with child throughout life. Our Indian culture or tradition is so great that all kinds of solution to problems are hidden. It is our responsibility to keep the legacy of such culture alive. We find many examples and incidents of rites. Most people in modern life do not know the importance of these rites. Over the years, people have started forgetting the value of these rituals due to the life and exaggeration of the emergency. As a result, character degradation, indiscipline, antisociality are coming out which is a sad message for future generations. Why should we not repeat history in the present form? This can happen naturally and only a woman can do it by her nine months of determined life. Pregnant baby and mother are the highest miracle of the universe, the best gift of God.