Sun Therapy


The sun not only gives light but also intelligence and long life.If the body does not have enough sun element it becomes lifeless and suffers from many ailments.

  • Spread a blanket or mat on ground on such a place where there is plenty of sunlight

  • There should be no strong wind

  • The head should be protected from sun by a piece of wet cloth or an umbrella

  • It is good if sweating starts but one should not prolong sunbath so that sweating takes place

  • The sun rays break the foreign matter in the body and it is expelled through sweat urine or stool.

The following are the different methods by which coloured rays of the sun are used to cure diseases:
  • Sunlight passed through coloured glasses

  • Water charged with coloured rays

  • Air charged with coloured rays

  • Oil charged with coloured rays

Some of the essential benefits of sunrays are:

  • boosts bone health and strengthens teeth

  • sun light is supposed to be anti-cancer and send breast cancer into remission.

  • sunrays boosts the immune system. The white blood cells called lymphocytes are activated by exposure to the sun and it plays a major role in guarding the body against infections.

  • sunrays has unique healing power, it disinfects and heal wounds and also kills the bad bacteria and cures fungal infection of the skin.

  • protects against dementia and brain aging

  • good for loosing excess fat

  • essential for decreasing symptoms of asthma

  • Sunlight has a beneficial effect on skin disorders, such as psoriasis, acne and eczema. Sunlight penetrates deep into the skin to cleanse the blood and the blood vessels.

  • The sunlights lowers high cholesterol by converting high cholesterol in the blood into steroid hormones.

  • The sunrays is also known to lower blood pressure in those suffering from high blood pressure