About Us

About Us

We all observe bodies of birds and animals in the forest. Their bodies remain well proportioned and beautiful during their entire life. They sleep on ground, drink natural water, live in open sky, inhale pure air and are exposed to sunlight and for food they never eat any cooked food but eats the natural food that is gifted by the nature. And due to this they never fall ill and if they have any problem with their health the nature take care of them as a healer, as a doctor and as a mother.

  • In the same way we with the help of yoga and Naturopathy want the mankind to realise that if there is any problem with there health it is better to spend the hard earned money on nutritious food instead of on expensive medicines and injections.

  • If one lives in the harmony with nature, one can attain the goal of having a really happy and blissful life.

  • Disease, sin, fear and poverty are not life. To cling to them is not life. They are partially death. Real life is to be free from disease, sin, fear and poverty. The science of Nature Cure teaches how to live this kind of life.

Yoga Asanas with animal names have deep roots throughout the history of yoga. many poses carries animal names, including Simhasana(Lion Pose), Bhujangasana(Cobra Pose), and many more .

With yoga poses, we will make you visualize the poses represent and try to embody them within you own body. For example:Lions are often seen as powerful and regal. We will Tap into your inner lion by roaring with Simhasana, a great way to release stress and feel strong.


  • We will make man realise that he is born healthy and strong and that he can stay as such as living in accordance with the laws of nature.

  • Even if born with some inherited affliction, the individual can eliminate it by putting to the best use the natural agents of healing.

  • We will use five elements i.e.Ether(Akash), Air (Vayu),Sun/Fire (agni),Water (jal), Earth to maintain the health of healthy person and restore health of the diseased person.

  • Fresh air, sunshine, a proper diet, yoga, scientific relaxation, constructive thinking and the right mental attitude, along with prayer and meditation all play their part in keeping a sound mind in a sound body.