Child Diseases Treatment

Child Diseases Treatment


It indicates they may have some pain.It is beneficial to give Hip bath to the baby


They should be kept in open air and given simple and nourishing food so that their mind develops


Wrap wet wet waist aound the abdomen,give Enema with lukewarm water


Stomah should be cleaned.Give Enema.Child should be given fruits


Enema,Wet mud back should be put on abdomen,Wet chest pack on chest,feet of patient should be kept warm


Milk should be stopped,and child should be kept on a diet of fruit juice.


First all food should be stopped.Only small quantities of lukewarm water to be given.Four times in a day two small spoons of apple or pomegranate juice can be given.


All kinds of fever go away by observing fast ,wet mud pack on the abdomen and by remaining on juices and fruits