Fasting Therapy


It is the treatment by Aakash (ETHER) element .

The purpose of fasting is to give complete rest to the digestive system.

Fasting is a natural condition . When an animal is sick it does not even loo at is feed no matter how good is it. When we fall sick we also have no appetite but we continue to eat food,and suffer because of it. Fasting is a powerful means to increase our vita force and regain the akash element which was deficient in the body and due to this akash element we become well ourselves..Stomach becomes light and real hunger appears and at the same time tongue becomes clean and body begins to feel light .The cells of the intestine have to work less and their power is regenerated.

Types of fast

  • Morning fast

  • Evening fast

  • Complete fast

  • Fast by taking one thing at a time

  • Fast on juice

  • Fast on fruits and vegetables

  • Fast on milk

  • Fast on buttermilk