Skin Diseases

Skin Diseases

Skin is an important organ which eliminates waste matter from our body through sweat .Among the skin diseases are

- Ringworm

- Itching

- Eczema

- Leprosy

- Small pox


  • The cause of skin diseases is presence of morbid matter in the body .The examination of patient suffering from skin diseases has shown that they have been taking harmful foods for a long time and leading irregular life.


  • Discontinue all medicines if he has been taking any

  • Take long fast

  • During fast take sufficient water with lemon

  • Salt,oil,sugar products should not be taken

  • If there is burning sensation patient should take only milk till he is cured

  • Spend time in sun and fresh air.

  • Skin disease parts should be daily washed with warm water in which seem leaves have been boiled.

Naturopathy does not include harsh chemical intake or surgeries. It uses all natural therapies like:

Massage Therapy – This works best for skin treatments. On a surface level it heals the hollow cheeks and neck and removes all fine lines and wrinkles. On a deeper level it works on the tender muscles and veins and tones them. Massage also aids in fast toxin removal. When toxins move out of the body naturally your skin pimples and breakouts reduce.

Diet Therapy – When healing the skin, food is an integral aspect to ponder and fix on! A healthy natural diet will show on your face and body by giving you healthy and radiant skin. In this therapy the practitioner writes down a natural food chart that includes lots of fruit juices and vegetables that would cool the body and help the gastrointestinal tract to remove accumulated toxins. This means the patient need to avoid dairy products, fried foods, spicy food, junk food and excess sugar and carbohydrates.

Mud therapy – Mostly done through the application of mud pack and mud bath this helps in cleansing the digestive system. It helps in nourishing the skin and ultimately leads to excellent skin texture without any open lesions.