

99% of the population is suffering from constipation.Constipation is the disease of modern civilisation. One who is suffering from constipation does not have clear motion.He is always lethargic,his abdomen is hard,he has headache and does not have good sleep.

Cause: In constipation the elimination of foreign matter through the large intestine is obstructed.As a result it rots there and toxins enter the blood stream causing damage to other organs of the body.

The main cause of constipation is wrong living and eating habits,over eating,eating when there is no hunger and not following the rules of healthy diet.


  • Beneficial Asanas:Paschimottanasana,Mayurasana,Sarvangasana,Ardh Matsyendrasan

  • Take Ushapan after getting up in the morning

  • Once a week observe fast.

  • Remove those factors which causes constipation.

  • One lemon juice mixed in half glass of cold water may be taken 3 to 4 times a day.

  • One should not drink water with a meal or should drink very small quantity of water.

  • For chronic constipation tie wet waist pack around waist after going to toilet and keep it for 20 minutes.