

Stomachache is not a disease by itself but it is the symptom of a disease.By creating pain in any part of body nature warns us that there is something wrong there.


  • Accumulation of gas in stomach and intestine.

  • Accumulation of foreign matter in abdomen for ling time.

  • Swelling or ulcer in stomach or intestine .


  • Beneficial Asanas:Pawanmuktasana,Yoga Mudra

  • GASTRIC ULCERS PAIN :are formed in the inner lining of the stomach wall.Because of these ulcer there is mild pain in the stomach all the time,it increase after taking food . For this one should take only fresh unboiled cows milk.Ptient should also take fruits juice.

  • PAIN DUE TO ACCUMULATION OF WASTE:Till pain goes patient should first fast and then remailn on juices. Enema should be given twice.Hot mud pack therapy is useful

  • BURNING SENSATIONIN STOMACH: For 4 to 5 days Enema with lukewarm water mixed with honey twice a day. Steam to abdomen for 15 minutes and then put cold wet towel for an hour.