

In external piles there is a lot of pain but not much bleeding ,in internal Piles there is discharge of dark blood.Piles is not a disease but symptom of other disease.There is a feelingg of heaviness in the region of anus and difficulty and pain in passing stool.Impure blood collects in the veins ending in anus,creates Haemorrhoids,known as Piles.


  • Chronic constipation is the basic cause.Long periods of standing or sitting , obesity are secondary causes of piles.Mental tension is also one of them


  • Beneficial Asanas:Yoga Mudra,Moolbandh,Sarvangasan

  • First remove constipation.

  • Chronic piles can be cured only after condition of the entire body.

  • Food should be taken as such stool produced is soft and does not cause much pain when it is expelled by the bowels through anus.

  • Juicy fruits,salads should be taken.